Friday, October 14, 2011

Become Self-Confident!

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” - E. E. Cummings

Self Esteem, confidence, the way you hold yourself. All three contribute greatly on the way not only you see yourself, but how others perceive you as well. If you are down on yourself to others and point out your flaws, they will see them as well. But if you have a high-regard for who you are, others will follow suit.  

So what qualities make a person truly self-confident, and what actions do others see as self-confident? First of all, a self-assured person is secure with their own abilities, and has a general idea of what they want in life. Secondly, they believe they can reach their wishes and goals, within reason. When things don't work out, a self-confident person will continue to stay positive and move forward. They never listen to those who are down on them, but try to keep their head held high for they don't need others approval. They also are not down on themselves, but look at their mistakes as learning experiences. 

Those who aren't self-assured will constantly look for others approval to feel good about themselves. They are usually pessimistic, do not expect to have success in their aspirations, and are generally down on themselves.

So how to you transform to the first person from the latter? Their are many ways people claim to have became more self-assured, but I suggest the following tips based on personal experience.

  • Take Risks!

          A person with low self-confidence approaches every opportunity as a win or lose situation. This                                                                               discourages self growth and turns every prospect into a potential failure. Instead, open up to new possibilities by approaching each experience as one to learn and grow, as it will help encourage self-acceptance.

  • Evaluate Yourself
          What are YOUR thoughts about yourself? Insecure people look to others for their thoughts about them in order to base their own opinions from them. Do not give the power to others. Focus only of how YOU feel about the situation, in order to promote a stronger sense of self. 

  • Focus Mainly On Your Strengths

          Applaud your efforts, but do not focus on your failures. Instead of focusing on what could have been done different, take time to appreciate your achievements and recognized what you have learned.

  • Think AND Act Positively 
           Odd are, not one person you cross paths with could tell you they haven't, at one time or another, talked down to themselves.This is more commonly known as negative self-talk. "This is too hard", "I'll never get this done!". Both examples of negative self-talk that do damage on how we approach a situation or task. Self-analyze, and when you catch yourself having a negative thought, replace it with a positive one, such as, "I can do this!" Once you've done this, put it into action. You are what you do, so if you act positive, talk to others positively, and put a positive energy into your actions you will also change who you are as a person, in a positive way! 
With a little effort, you can...                                               go from insecure to self assured.
Practicing these tips daily will soon help you see a huge difference on not only how you perceive yourself, but how others see you as well. As Yiddish proverb says, "Confidence is half of victory"!