Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Best Things In Life Are Free!

I wrote this back in 2008, hope you guys enjoy it. I feel it holds alot of meaning for many people. Learn to appreciate the good LITTLE things, it will help you keep a more positive attitude!-Motivation Station

We truly forget that the best things in life are free.

Love; Faith; Passion; Smiles; Compassion; Honesty; Family; Friends; Hugs; Support; Kindness; Growing; Comfort; Wisdom; Gratitude; Hope; Caring; Good Memories; Forgiveness; Commitment; Laughter; Acceptment; Accomplishment; Detication; Devotion; Making A Difference; God
We tend to not focus on positive aspects of our life from a day-to-day basis. We seem to take the good things for granted. We, as humans, can not be satisfied fully. You can not put a price on what is truly amazing.

We will never do much good in this world as long as we wonder if we're going to get much credit personally.

We have all we need right under our noses- its up to us to re-prioritize what makes us happy.
I want to be able to end life telling God

"I used everything you gave me"

I want to see opportunity and take it. In my opinion, The purpose of life is to have a life of puropse. I want to improve the world while enjoying it as well.

Everything, EVERYTHING, Happens For A Reason.

[[Thats why i live life with no regret.]]
Every action has a reaction. What's meant to be will always find a way to come about.
One Day At A Time
Don't look into the past and grieve;; For what is done- is done. Don't look into the future and be troubled; for it has yet to come.
live in the present && make it worth remebering.

So I love as much as I can; Live with intention; Walk to the edge, but not over it; Listen hard- think harder; Practice wellness, Laugh Loudly; Enjoy Myself; I choose to live with no regret of past nor fear of what is to come; I continue to learn everyday; I do what I love and I live as if that is all there is. And I will continue to do so until I'm called home.


Monday, February 21, 2011

5 Simple Relaxation Techniques For Stress

Stress. A small word, with much bigger effects.'s definition of stress is "a specific response by the body to a stimulus, as fear or pain, that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium of an organism", but to me it so much more! When stressed, you may sometimes feel overwhelmed or panicky.  Stress can cause issues in so many aspects of life, make us look at the negative side of many situations, and see things as more escalated than they really are. It can cause heath issues, high blood pressure, digestive problems, sleep problems, heart disease, skin diseases or acne, obesity, the list goes on and on. 

But, what I bet most don't know, is that studies show, some stress is GOOD for you! Yes, that's right. Stress can release adrenaline and other hormones that can actually give your immune system a boost, make you more alert and motivated, and many more positive things, when the stress is moderated well. (Stay turned for article on Positive Stresses, coming soon!) Unfortunatly many people don't know how to moderate stress very well, which is where this and other self-help articles come in.
Stress is usually derived from a negative feeling or emotion. These emotions could be anything from having a bad day at work, to guilt, pain, anger, or one of the many more others possible. When we only focus on the negative of a situation, we tend to escalate the amount of stress the situation holds. This will only become a spiral downward too much more stress and anxiety.

 No one person is different, and neither is their daily stresses. So obviously one technique might work for one person, as another technique might be more suited for another. Below is a list of several simple stress-reduction techniques that have been known to really help. Try them out, and use the techniques that truly help you.

  1. Reduce the Negative Thinking
          Ok, I know you're thinking about how difficult this one sounds. But, try to make a conscious decision to notice when you start to have a negative thought, and replace it with a positive one. Use this one along with the other techniques for maximum results.

    2.    Meditation

           No, I'm not talking about people twisting in uncomfortable positions and saying "Ommm" for hours. Although, if that fits you, then go for it! It's all about finding what's productive for you. Meditation is the any act you do repeatedly to keep you calm, but in the present moment. Swimming, running, writing, painting, whatever will keep you calm and focused. So when you feel like you're starting to stress, let the thought escape you and go focus on something that will keep you busy, and focus on the repetitiveness on the activity you are doing. If you really focus on it, you will see that in five to ten minutes you are much calmer than you were when you began.

   3.    Deep Breathing Exercises

          No, breathing by itself won't help you if you are still focusing on the negative thought. But, if you really do this one right it helps ALOT. Exhale deeply through slightly pursed lips, while dropping your chest. Count to eight as you exhale, and try to empty all the air out of your lungs. Hold yourself exhaled for a second, then count to eight as you take a VERY deep breath in, you should feel your stomach expand. Now hold your breath in for just a few seconds, and then repeat the activity 6 to 10 times. As you do this, take whatever issue is stressing you out, and focus on a positive outcome for the situation as you breathe. This will help you calm yourself down, and help you focus on the issue later with the idea of a positive outcome rather than a negative.

   4.     Picture Yourself Relaxed

           If meditating is too much for your busy mind, try creating a 'daydream' where you see yourself relaxed. Did you go on vacation somewhere and remember the feeling of calm you had, or do you love to relax by the beach? Well imagine you are there, and that you are completely relaxed! If you are someone who responds more to touch in general, think about a comfy sweater, or silky robe you feel at ease in. The more in detail you think about your relaxing 'place', the more relaxed you are going to feel. So think colors, smells, sights, sounds, use all your senses! The idea is replace the thoughts of stress with the thoughts of your 'dreamscape', to give you a sense of calm. When done correctly, this technique does wonders for relaxation and stress-reduction!

  5. Observe the Things Around You As a Child Would
      Have you ever noticed how much deeper a child's appreciation is for the things around them than adults? Children view the world as a place for adventure and learning new things. They don't focus on what is to come, but only the present. They truly enjoy the little things in life. When you become an adult, you are more focused on the daily stresses of being responsible, work, family, kids, bills, house payments, ect.. the list never ends, and once you check on thing of the list there are already two more added to it! We adults get so wrapped up in what is to come, we forget the beauty of what is right in front of us.

     Here's the tip. When you feel stressed, instead of focusing on what is to come, focus on your immediate surroundings. If you are outdoors, admire how the clouds look, enjoy the sunshine or play in the rain! In the mall, admire an old couple still in love! Focus on the little positive things that are right in front of you! Try to take in as many details as you can. The more focused you are on the good things in the present, the less you will feel overwhelmed by the stresses that you have to deal with!


Remember, no person is alike, no stresses are alike, so no solution is the same either. Find what works best for your own personal stresses.

If you ever start to feel helpless or suicidal, please call 911 or 1-800-SUICIDE, there IS help!

Stay Tuned for more articles on positive stress, stress-reduction techniques, depression, as well as beauty tips, health advice, and more!

Many Blessings!
The Motivation Station

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Are You or Someone You Know Depressed?

Depression- Psychiatry; a condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal; sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason (definition from

Depression is a mood disorder where feelings of sadness, depression, anger, frustration or loss interfere with daily life and activities. This may last for one week, or many years depending of the root of the depression. It is not only a condition that effects your own personal well being, emotional, and mental states. People who have depression usually see everything with a negative view, not able to imagine that any problem, circumstance, or situation can be solved positivly. Depression often results in the person lashing out at the person or people closest to them. It can change the way people see themselves and their lives, as well as many other people around them.

No one knows the exact cause of depression. Many believe it is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, which may have been passed down from one generation to another, or caused by an event, or multiple events in the person's life. Depression is found in all different ages, races, and walks of life and can be triggered by many things. A few of these are drug or alcohol abuse, a change in personal health or finance, or a life change such as a death or divorce.

Depression has symptoms just like a physical health problem does. Some of the common symptoms of depression are:

    • Restlessness
    • Irritability
    • Change in Weight or Appetite
    • Difficulty Focusting
    • Lack of Energy
    • Sleeping too little, or too much
    • Inactivity or withfrawl from activities once enjoyed
    • Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
    • Thoughts of death or suicide**
    • Self Hate, Worthlessness, Innapproprite Guilt
If you have five or more of these symptoms for more than two weeks, see a doctor-YOU ARE DEPRESSED

The list can go on and on of the physical and mental effects depression has on a persons life. Depression can also be shown as discoragement or anger towards yourself or others. Usually, if depression is shown by anger, the closest people to the depressed are effected just as much as the acutal person.
There are many ways to treat depression, from support groups, to anti-depressants, to a psycologist, to electroconvulsive therapy, so there is come kind of help for everyone!

         **If you have thoughts of suicide or self-harm, call 911, or 1-800-SUICIDE
IMMEDIATLY for assistance. 

Four Steps For Commiting To Personal Change


An action most people think about, but rarley follow through with. How many times have you thought,

If I did this, or changed that it would be nice..
but you don't follow through with it because when we think about change, we also relate it with the fear of what others will think, what the possible issues could come up, basically all the negitive possibilities that come along with any change? When will you ever REALLY have TIME for change, unless you make time for it?

Another reason we don't follow through with changes is because we have lack of COMMITMENT to the change. The hard work and constant effort in order to really create a change is enough for many to shy away.

Below are four tips to help you commit to change, I hope they help you in whatever personal commitment you are trying to create. I myself use these to help me change my habits and create new ones. Many Blessings All<3


 Identify the change you would like to make, or the habit you would like to create. If your goal is to get rid of a bad habit that already exisits, be sure to identify a positive action as a substitute for the negitive action. Be as specific as possible. Instead of saying "I will exersize more", say something like, “I will go running on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5pm to 7pm and On Saturdays from 6 to 8pm” is more
specific and will help you hold yourself to your commitment.


This will be your power for fighting for change! Write down all of your reasons for changing or creating a new habit. We all have different reasons. My Grandpa's reason for going to the gym may to get healthier, my cousin's reason might be to pick up chicks. Look at how this habit will help any and all aspects of your life. How will changing positibly affect all those aspects? Think about your personal life, as well as your physical health, social contacts, emotional being, ect.. The more in depth you are when writing all these things down, the easier it will be for you to really follow through with change.  Keep writing these things down until life without this change is hard to imagine.


Next, write down all the aspects in your life that will be affective in a negative way if you don't change the habit. Remeber to again include ALL aspects, socially, physically, emotionally. Will not changing effect your relationship with your spouse, children, family, co-workers, income? List all these negatives, and take time to examine what the concequnces of not changing will really be.


Take the lists you have created, and prepare to truly commit to building your new habit for at least three weeks, because research tells us that it takes no less than three full weeks to change or create a new habit. During this time, examine the lists from the last two steps, your negative and positive lists, and add to them on a daily basis. Habit changing or forming is not easy, unless the reasons for doing so are important. When we say we can’t change a habit, what we say really is we don’t have a big enough motivation or reason to change. Make sure you want to change for YOURSELF, because that is what is going to make the change truly help.